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CALTEX Havoline Xtended Life Coolant

Rs 2,250

Havoline Xtended Life Antifreeze/Coolant is based on a patented aliphatic organic additive formulation that provides a service life of 250,000 kilometers/5 years and is approved under GM 6277 meeting the GM DEX-COOL® requirements.

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SKU: 9464 Categories: , ,


Havoline Xtended Life Antifreeze/Coolant delivers value through:

OEM Approval — Meets the requirements of Ford WSS-M97B44-D, GM 6277,

MB 325.3 and Volkswagen TL 774F specifications.

Wide service application — Recommended for use in Domestic, Asian and

European automotive and passenger car diesel applications including newer

hybrid vehicles.

Heat Transfer — Improved heat transfer when compared to silicate containing

antifreeze/coolant products.

Long Service Life — 250,000 kilometers/5 years of cooling system protection.

Beneficial formulation — Organic additive formulation that is free of silicate,

nitrite, borate, phosphate, nitrate and amines and which allows longer service life.

Protection — Outstanding high temperature protection of cooling systems metals

including aluminum.


CALTEX Havoline Xtended Life Coolant
Rs 2,250
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