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KIXX CVTF Fully Synthetic

Rs 11,905

Premium quality transmission fluid designed to meet theservice fill use in a broad range of Continuously VariableTransmissions CVT.This CVTF is a specially formulated to provide excellent drivingcomfort, longer life of transmission, extended service interval, excellentwear control and durability between belt and pully.It is recommended for use in all of the push belt type CVT.However, it is not recommended to be used in chain type CVTssuch as Audi Multitronic or Subaru Lineartronic and in power splittype CVTs which is equipped with Toyota Prius.

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SKU: 14085 Categories: , ,


• Compatibility in multiple CVT Transmission types
• Superior anti – shudder durability
• Maintain high steel-steel friction
• Prevent wear at the metal-to-metal contact points on parts of
transmission system.
• Provides strong oil film,good shear stability
• Excellent thermal and oxidation stability
• Excellent parts material compatibility

kixx cvtf gear oil
KIXX CVTF Fully Synthetic
Rs 11,905
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